Getting a diagnosis of a rheumatic condition does not have to mean the end of your active lifestyle. In fact in many cases, the healthier your lifestyle, the more likely you will be to have a better quality of life in the future. The first step to managing your diagnosis is to take control of your situation. From finding the right medications to living a healthier life including getting plenty of rest, eating healthier, taking your vitamins and getting the right amount of exercise, a positive approach to your condition will assist you in maintaining a better quality of life for years to come.
It is important that you know what you can do to help yourself and to also remember you are not alone. In the U.S. over 50 million other American’s are facing similar diagnosis. Although many conditions are still fairly unknown, doctors and scientist’s continue to research cures and ways to better manage these conditions to promote a better life for everyone affected.
When you are coping with a rheumatic condition it is important that you make all your visits to your rheumatologist count. Pay attention to how you feel and how certain treatments are or are not helping you. Be open and share how you are feeling and always be honest when talking to your doctor. Remember the more honest you are, the more your rheumatologist can help meet your needs.
Rheumatologist Garden City MI
If you live in Garden City MI and have been diagnosed with a rheumatic or inflammatory condition, you are not alone. The Arthritis Institute of Michigan is here to assist you in feeling better. Now is the time for treatment. We are located in Brighton Michigan, just 45 minutes or less from Garden City and are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment at the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, contact us at 1.810.225.7553 or simply fill out the form below.