Hudson Mills is located in Washtenaw County Michigan. People in the area visit the Hudson Mill park year-round to enjoy it’s 100’s of acres of fields, trees, wooded paths and rolling hills that are perfect for hikers and bikers. This time of year the park is enjoyed by cross country skiers. Cross country skiing is easy to learn and requires no special skills. Most people feel comfortable after just a few minutes of instruction. Cross country skiing uses natural body movements and is one of the healthiest sports that virtually anyone can do, both young and old. It’s the one sport that can give you a total body workout and is gentle on joints all while improving your cardiovascular system. One of the nice things about cross country skiing is you can make it as easy as a slow walking glide or get into an ice skating glide and really get your speed and heart rate up. There are plenty of places to check out cross country skiing in southeast Michigan. Hundreds of places are available, some charging as little as $12 for the day and other, like Hudson Mills, are free. Just slap on your skis and go explore.
In many cases, moving your body is key to staying fit and keeping your joints and muscles limber. Dr. James Dowd promotes healthy lifestyles to his patients who live in and around Hudson Mills. Dr. Dowd is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. He is board certified in integrative holistic medicine, adult rheumatology, and pediatric rheumatology. Rheumatologists are specialists who treat the many forms of rheumatic disease like arthritis, Lupus, Spondylitis, and other diseases which affect your joints and bones. People with these conditions often find it difficult to do every day simple tasks and many suffer with severe pain. Dr Dowd and the Arthritis Institute of Michigan can help diagnose and treat patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and help them live a fuller, richer, pain free life.
Rheumatologist Hudson Mills MI
You can live a healthier life, even if you are coping with chronic conditions such as inflammatory conditions and rheumatic conditions which impact joint health. We invite you to learn more about how you can feel better. Dr. Dowd will be happy to answer any of your health related questions. The Arthritis Institute of Michigan is a rhuematologist Hudson Mills MI and are currently accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call our office at 1.810.225.7553 or fill out the form below.