Vitamin D is an amazing supplement that can be used to improve your health and manage countless health concerns without negative side effects, which is just one of the many reasons so many people choose to rely on this miracle vitamin. However, there is still a lot of misinformation circulating … [Read more...]
How Exercise Enhances Vitamin D Levels and How Vitamin D Enhances Your Workouts
The human body is a complex collective of mechanisms that requires a very specific regiment of vitamins, nutrients, and exercise in order to thrive at its optimal potential. Vitamin D is hands-down one of the most significant of these vitamins due to its direct responsibility in the absorption of … [Read more...]
Why is Vitamin D Important?
Vitamin D is so important because it is arguably the number one most versatile and beneficial hormone in the human body, necessary for everything from initial growth to cancer and disease prevention. To even begin to fully understand why vitamin D is so important, you must first understand that … [Read more...]
UV Index
The sun is a powerful force of energy that is constantly releasing UV radiation, and if not minded can cause unexpected health concerns such as skin cancer, premature aging, cataracts, immune system suppression, and more. A UV index is a great tool to help people living anywhere around the country … [Read more...]
Vitamin D Deficiency? Look at Your Health Issues
At steadily increasing rates, Americans report they feel achy, sick and tired. If you are among those dealing with daily pain and fatigue, there is a simple but important nutrient you may be missing. Mayo Clinic researchers looked at the vitamin D level of patients who had … [Read more...]
Shooting Down Vitamin D Myths
The debate surrounding the proper dosing and the importance of Vitamin D has been ongoing for decades. Research has shown that Vitamin D has tremendous health benefits, including helping to prevent and alleviate chronic disease like diabetes and, elevate mood, regulate digestive function and … [Read more...]
How Dr. Dowd and the Arthritis Institute of Michigan differ from Traditional Rheumatologists
Rheumatologists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and systemic autoimmune conditions that affect the bones, joints, muscles and spine; these disorders have been commonly referred to as rheumatoid diseases. Autoimmune diseases … [Read more...]
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
The Health Ministry of St. Patrick's Church presents Senescence: Human Aging How do we bring this life in for a soft landing? What is senescence? What changes are occurring in your body during this period? How does this affect the risk of chronic disease? What can you do about … [Read more...]
When The Leaves are Falling Vitamin D Levels are Falling
Look for the New Revised Edition of The Vitamin D Cure in bookstores and online in June 2012! It has 15 new recipes and an all new 2 week menu along with revised chapters on the immune system, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. It will make a great Holiday gift for your loved ones. When The … [Read more...]
New Vitamin D Recommendations Miss the Mark
The Institute of Medicine released its updated recommended daily intakes of calcium and vitamin D on November 30th. In summary they INCREASED the required vitamin D intake, DECREASED the required calcium intake, and RAISED the maximum safe intake of vitamin D. There recommendations are complicated … [Read more...]