Look for the New Revised Edition of The Vitamin D Cure in bookstores and online in June 2012! It has 15 new recipes and an all new 2 week menu along with revised chapters on the immune system, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. It will make a great Holiday gift for your loved ones. When The … [Read more...]
Falling Leaves Means Falling Vitamin D
When the leaves change colors the availability of ultraviolet light to make vitamin D (UVB) disappears till next spring. Your vitamin D level then begins to fall along with all the leaves on the deciduous trees. Ten weeks after peak fall colors your vitamin D level is about half what it was at the … [Read more...]
Winter Solstice, Christmas, and The New Year
Vitamin D production requires ultraviolet B spectrum light (280-315 nm wavelength). Cholesterol from our diet and that produced in our liver is modified then transported to the skin where it is stereochemically altered by UVB light and heat, returned to the liver and further modified to 25-hydroxy … [Read more...]